Thursday, March 7, 2019

The name game

So the issue of a name is a very big stumbling block for our magazine. It's not necessarily one we can't overcome, it's just a very pressing issue given the fact people could very realistically be interested or turned away by a good/trashy name.

First of all, I have no idea how a parent can put up with the pressure of a good name for their child. This is a magazine and I'm already regretting the names I haven't even imagined. Second of all, I am very cognizant of the fact that I have to keep in mind how the name will turn out by the end of the project, after all, our name IS our masthead...

Anyway, here's a list of potential names that will be continuously updated:


  1. Synth kin
  2. Utopia
  3. Euphony
We like euphony, it is staying!

We have settled on euphony for now but name will remain a WIP (3/8 Update: it's staying Y'all)

Genuinely speaking, I like the name euphony yet we have both agreed it is far from final name material. The concept of a name, at least to me, is pretty daunting considering it may alter the overall success of our magazine.
Anyway, I look forward to updating this blog as we finish things up on the name department,
Let's get this bread.

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