Thursday, April 4, 2019

CCR research

I want my CCR to feel researched, complete, and well-balanced. That's why I am making this post dedicated to researching and recompiling info. I will use in my CCR to answer the questions. Think of this post as me filling in the blanks of my outline, and fleshing out a couple of things before recording it. As per the questions, I will tackle them in order:

Question 1:

Conventions of fashion mags: Lots of cover lines, faces included, emphasis on models. Distributed both at bookstores and online. Many issues have shifted from quarterly/monthly to weekly to compete for audiences with SM and TV, but surviving monthly/quarterly pieces have thrived by having subscription needs and ties to SM.

Articles becoming increasingly about social issues and politics, especially since 2016

question 2:

As per the sources above, magazine would interact with fans online and be sold at book stores. Reach audiences through websites like Alt-Press.

Question 3:

Welp, I literally didn't know how to edit like this prior to the project. I leaned how to use canva effectively, as well as Snapsy, POLARR, and PIXLR

Question 4:

Software definition: the programs and other operating information used by a computer.

Thus, the used the softwares of Snapsy, PIXLR and POLARR.

Hardware: I mainly used big flashlights for a nighttime photoshoot.

With this research done, I hope to make a fire CCR.

-Let's get this bread.

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Alright, here it is y'all. YT link (In case): WeVideo Link (just in case)