So we had our second group meeting yesterday and it was very fun. I tried to be as helpful to my group mates as possible, giving whatever feedback I could and trying to give a few tips that may help if I knew when I mentioned to Tabatha that she could be able to make a fake, rotatable arm by taking groups of tubes, grouping, tying them together and putting them in a long sleeve article of clothing #practicaleffectsgang. Aside from that, I was sure to take notes on a clipboard where I had written down a few things prior to the group meeting to just hear feedback on the ideas about what my group mates thought and suggested. I was glad to hear they overall enjoyed the look I was going for, and found the proposed content interesting. With that said, they also gave fantastic feedback that has helped me see there's a lot I need to try or potentially change about my project, which has made me very appreciative of both the group meeting and of the feedback they all gave me. I tried my best to transcribe and summarize my notes, which are featured here below.
Overall seemed to like it and saw the direction it was going towards. Bailey took the lead and gave me the best practical advice in the group:
1) Display more on your blog (Which inspired me to fix this hot mess)
2) make as many throwaways of your magazine as you can. Ensure they have little or large variations so you can take a good look at what your ideas will look like and you can get the look that makes the magazine the best it can be.
3) Take care of the concept for the two page spread soon, and try to test out the look with stock images first.
Elly enjoyed the look of the magazine and liked the subdued nature of the cover and its images. She did, however, also point out some things to keep in mind:
1) keep a log of the fonts and images you use on the blog so you can keep references of how each looks and impacts the magazine's look
2) Make an alternative cover with a new font and more cover lines to see what that may look like, even if it's not part of the conventions of an alt. fashion magazine
Though Juan didn't have much to say besides comments on what he liked or straight up advice he gave me one good point to think about:
1) Outline, draft, and source your article as soon as possible if it's an easy write. Knocking the easy parts of the magazine out as soon as possible will make everything easier
Tabatha was by far the most appreciative and supportive of both the magazine's look and growth to the current look from previous posts. Her advice centered around editing and the photoshoot process:
1) take as many pictures as possible
2) If you want to edit pictures, it could make formatting easier since there could be less color
3) Control the environment of the shoot as much as possible
Their combined advice was 10/10, and I'm already planning new ideas or changes accordingly, which will help the final product be DOPE.
-Let's get this bread.